XF 1.2 Login slider no longer works


Active member
Since upgrading to 1.2, my login slider (where users click "login" in the upper-right) no longer works. The "Search" function in the admin panel is no longer able to be clicked either. Any idea what's happening?
Do you have a URL example?

In general, I'd recommend confirming on a default style and also using the file health check to confirm the files have been uploaded correctly.
Do you have a URL example?

In general, I'd recommend confirming on a default style and also using the file health check to confirm the files have been uploaded correctly.

Hi Mike,

Here's the URL. The login slider is pretty temperamental at this point, as it'll work some times but not at others. I've checked the file health and everything checked out fine.
Tried the solution suggested in that thread, but it didn't actually seem to stick. I've noticed that when the search doesn't work in the admin panel, the little magnifying glass isn't present. Any ideas?
You can see the CloudFlare and Rocketscript changes still happening:
<script type="text/javascript">
try{if (!window.CloudFlare) { var CloudFlare=[{verbose:0,p:0,byc:0,owlid:"cf",mirage:{responsive:0,lazy:0},mirage2:0,oracle:0,paths:{cloudflare:"/cdn-cgi/nexp/abv=1772709731/"},atok:"9672721e2d2c4dfa9496cb8a83e284b1",zone:"playst4tion.com",rocket:"a",apps:{}}];document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/nexp/abv=2310247235/cloudflare.min.js"><'+'\/script>')}}catch(e){};
<script type="text/rocketscript">
var _b = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0], _bH = "http://www.playst4tion.com/community/";
if (_b && _b.href != _bH) _b.href = _bH;
<script data-rocketsrc="js/jquery/jquery-1.10.1.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script>
<script data-rocketsrc="js/xenforo/xenforo.js?_v=0c16152a" type="text/rocketscript"></script>
Should I go back & set up Cloudflare, only to disable Rocketscript, pause & then delete it? Not sure what to do since I have it removed. I may have installed it via my host, but there's nothing on Cloudflare's website...
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