XF 1.2 Loading takes quite a long time


Hi All,

I've just launched my forum and it current has 24 users. I have a problem that at times when I load the forum_list or any page at all. I encounter that It may take half a minute or longer just for the browser to finish loading but most of the time it's a flash taking less than 2 seconds to load. I don't think it's a bandwidth issue because when I load webmin. It loads in a flash.

My Question is how to troubleshoot whats causing the latency.
When I turned on the debug mode the number of queries to database is 12 - 14 quesries.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Here's my list config.php :

$config['db']['host'] = '';
$config['db']['port'] = '3306';
$config['db']['username'] = '';
$config['db']['password'] = '';
$config['db']['dbname'] = '';
#$config['debug'] = True;

$config['superAdmins'] = '1';

# Cache Config

#$config['cache']['enabled'] = True;
#$config['cache']['frontend'] = 'Core';
#$config['cache']['frontendOptions']['cache_id_prefix'] = 'idku_';
$config['cache']['backend'] = 'Apc';

Notice I comment out some of the caching setting as I was troubleshooting this loading latency issue.

  1. Avatar Gallery 0.1b
  2. Avatar Visitor Tab 1.0
  3. Friend Invite Sidebar 1.2.1
  4. Friend Inviter 2.0.8
  5. LiquidPro Simple Forms 2.0.2
  6. Log Out Link by Waindigo 1.0.0
  7. Nodes As Tabs 1.2.2
  8. ragtek Quote Post Conversation 1.1
  9. Sitemap for XenForo 1.3.2
  10. sonnb - XenGallery 2.0.4
  11. XenCentral Ad Server 1.2.1
  12. XenCentral Framework 1.2.6
  13. XenCentral Trading System 1.3.6
  14. [bd] Attachment Store 1.0.0b
  15. [bd] Tag Me 2.1.0b
  16. [bd] Widget Framework 2.4.3
  17. [RT] Online Status Ribbon 1.3.7
Last edited:
Placing a hashtag in front of the lines inside the config.php is actually not an appropriate way to comment out sections but a code breach. In php, you can comment out single lines by placing "//" before them or multiple lines by placing "/*" in front of the section you want to comment out and "*/" after.
Disable all add-ons and test again.

If performance improves then it is an add-on.
You will need to re-enable them one at a time to determine which one it is.

The FAQ in my signature has a troubleshooting section.
Placing a hashtag in front of the lines inside the config.php is actually not an appropriate way to comment out sections but a code breach. In php, you can comment out single lines by placing "//" before them or multiple lines by placing "/*" in front of the section you want to comment out and "*/" after.

Thanks for the heads-up.
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