load_class_route_prefix: "Cannot load class using XFCP. Load the class using the correct loader fir


Well-known member
I want to add a "&node_id=..." to my virtual forums.

This is the class (the editor here does not keep tabs from my windows notepad as well as eclipse):
class VirtualForums_Route_Prefix_Threads extends XFCP_VirtualForums_Route_Prefix_Threads
public function buildLink($originalPrefix, $outputPrefix, $action, $extension, $data, array &$extraParams)
$response = parent::buildLink();

$response->params['extraParams']['node_id'] = $response->params['data']['myforumId'];

return $response;


OK sure its a listener. Where would you put in the listener for this class?
In VirtualForums/Prefixlistener or in VirtualForums/Route/Prefix/Listener ?
You can place it wherever you want, just make sure the listener class is properly named, that the function is static, and that you assign it in the event listener.
I know, but is there a common practice for naming listeners according to what they are listening to?
I know, but is there a common practice for naming listeners according to what they are listening to?
Mine is: Things_Listeners_LoadClasses::eventNameHere(_eventHint) or Things_Listeners::eventNameHere(_eventHint).

I would use Things_Listeners_eventNameHere::fire(_eventHint) for a lot of code, but I haven't had this need yet.
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