linking to unread messages (filtered)


I want to provide a link in my menu which leads to all threads a member has created his own.
Furthermore a link where he can see all the threads where he posted as well.
So actually these are links which are provided by standard new message function and using the filter.
but i want to address these directly. how?

thank you!
Not sure where do you want to add the links to but you can always click on member name and find all posts and threads posted by that member

thank you almusa.
i want to put it in the main menu so that a member can find these threads of his own very fast.
not going on his own profile and further.
right in the main menu with a command which doesn't include the name of the user or something.
but: what about when i want to see all THREADS of a certain member? How to see that in the profile of that member?
Not the postings .... but the threads.
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