XF 2.2 Link_type, link [Solved]


Well-known member
{{ link_type('public', 'threads', $thread) }}

will lead to <a href=".../threads/{thread_title}.{thread_id}"

How can I do the link to get this, please:

<a href=".../topics/{thread_title}.{thread_id}"
Hmmm, this works:

{{ link('spam-cleaner', $thread) }}

but this does not work:

{{ link('hihihaha', $thread) }}

Means that we have somewhere a list with "something" so this link works?
If I search for 'spam-cleaner'

$this->assertCanonicalUrl($this->buildLink('spam-cleaner', $user));

I found route
<route route_type="public" route_prefix="spam-cleaner" format=":int&lt;user_id,username&gt;/" build_class="XF\Pub\Route\SpamCleaner" build_method="build" controller="XF:SpamCleaner"/>

Why this works:

{{ link('spam-cleaner', $thread) }}

and this does not work?

{{ link('hihihaha', $thread) }}
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