XF 2.0 Link to specific search


Well-known member
I am trying to make a link that searches a specific forum for a specific users all threads in that forum.
I have found the following code that finds a users all threads, is it possible to put a forum id in there somehow?
<a href="{{ link('search/member', null, {'user_id': $user.user_id, 'content': 'thread'}) }}" rel="nofollow" class="menu-linkRow">{{ phrase('some_phrase', {'name': $user.username}) }}</a>

In XF1.5 I am using the following code to find a users all threads in node 86:
<a href="{xen:link '?search/search&users={$user.username}&user_content=thread&nodes[]=86'}" rel="nofollow">some_phrase{$user.username}</a>
I found one way to do it in one template:
<a href="{{ link('forums') }}86/?starter_id={{$user.user_id}}" rel="nofollow">some_phrase <xf:username user="{$user}" href="" /></a>
Any luck with this using the search system @ge66? I'm trying to build a search to allow members to find their threads in a couple specific sections (so I need to specify more than one node).
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