Link Management (HL2) (Hide Links) [Deleted]

I need some help, I'm looking for an addon covering features from this deleted. I need to Hide External Links to Guests. Is there any other Addon like this deleted?. Many THanks in advance

For some reason after trying and uploading (upload folder to xf root) all of the available addon versions from (1.5, 1.4, 1.5.1) none of them will install on my xenforo 2.1.0. What is the problem? It's not even listed on the addon page /admin.php?add-ons/

I know @au lait is no longer around but it would be nice if a paid addon can still be installed on the forums that supported the project :)
XF1 is not compatible with XF2

My bad.

Thought the link management addon was available for both xf1 and 2 but there's only available the xf1 version for download on Why is that?
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