Fixed Link in push notifications


Affected version
2.1.0 Beta 4
I just bought Xenforo and testing v2.1.0 Beta 4 on our server. I tried the "Alert users" function in the admin. I sent a push notification to my self, and it works. But the Push Nofitication links to the forum startpage and not the link_url as I expected (the alert links to link_url).

I run Google Chrome 70.0 / MacOs

The information in the extra_data field in the xf_user_alert table:

{"from_user":"Akesson","link_url":"https:\/\/\/","link_title":"hejhej","alert_body":"hej {link}","username":"Akesson","user_id":1,"alert_text":"hej <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\" class=\"fauxBlockLink-blockLink\">hej hej<\/a>"}

Have I done something wrong?
Thank you for reporting this issue. The issue is now resolved and we are aiming to include that in a future XF release (2.1.0 Beta 5).

Change log:
Ensure that push notifications from admin contain the desired link (if applicable).
Any changes made as a result of this issue being resolved may not be rolled out here until later.
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