Link Directory (LD) [Deleted]

Does anyone know where we can remove these;
ld_allow_view_links, ld_allow_view_bookmarks
I don't want these in people's accounts, but don't know how to disable them?
Many thanks
Does anyone know where we can remove these;
ld_allow_view_links, ld_allow_view_bookmarks
I don't want these in people's accounts, but don't know how to disable them?
Many thanks
Why ever you want to do this :)
There is no "normal" way.

You could empty the template "ld_account_privacy_personal_details"
Why ever you want to do this :)
There is no "normal" way.

You could empty the template "ld_account_privacy_personal_details"
I'd already emptied that... but maybe I am missing something else. Is it in personal preferences? I.E where people can change permissions of who sees bookmarked links?
Many thanks! :)
wooooooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

life is good again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tank you sir!! you are king!!! LD is king!!!!!!!!!!!

LD will appear in mid/end-2018 for XF2 :)
Great news!

Do you have a plan in mind for current license holders? I was holding off on purchasing this one until I knew which direction it was going, but I believe I will be buying it now. Some people are treating XF2 versions of XF1 addons as a separate purchase, others are allowing an upgrade path with no cost, some with a discounted cost, etc. That's your call, I just would like to know what to expect.

HI @au lait I am trying to add a widget to @Bob 's AMS but get the following error;
Nothing rendered, the widget currently has no contents and users will not see it.
And it literally displays blank. Any ideas what I can do please?
@au lait I am using @Chris D 's "Change Thread Starter" and when I change the thread starter of a thread that is associated to a link from the Link Directory, the discussion Link Button looks like this:

Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-03 um 09.25.44.webp

The date is wrong of course and also it shows "Replies: 1" although there were no replies yet.
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