Link Directory (LD) [Deleted]

i agree with erich, there is alot of coders who come and go every year!!

be careful who you buy from!! you will loose your money after a year!!

there is only about 6 add-on coders who i trust in xenforo!! the rest dont buy from them!!
i wont say which 6 i like, but au lait is on my list of 6 favorite coders!

I worked closely together with @au lait for over 1 year in order to develop this "Link-Directory 1"-Addon.
I told him all the features which I wanted to have in this "Link Directory", and he coded it up to pixel-perfect-precision.

With all the great input from you guys here in the Forum, this LD-Addon became what it is now.
And I am really happy that this LD-Addon became a reality and that it works flawlessly.
Now I am even more happy that LD2 is in the works.

Unbelievable great job from all you guys involved! 👍

Thank you! :)
Tried to see the demo and got this after putting in a valid email and my user name here:

Oops! We ran into some problems.
You did not complete the CAPTCHA verification properly. Please try again.

Trouble is that there was no CAPTCHA verification.

I don't really see the point of a "demo" that isn't freely visible.
I don't really see the point of a "demo" that isn't freely visible.
is the xenforo demo freely visible?!
The sense is, so everyone is undisturbed by other demos/testers. A demo is always only for the respective user. Which offers an indescribable added value. You can check and test everything in quiet!
is the xenforo demo freely visible?!
The sense is, so everyone is undisturbed by other demos/testers. A demo is always only for the respective user. Which offers an indescribable added value. You can check and test everything in quiet!

Okay. But there's no way to get into that demo. There's no captcha, and it's asking for captcha.
I can not understand. this is the XF Captcha feature.
Write me a conversation, then I'll give you the data.

and many thanks for your message.
I do hope the same for you @au lait . Unfortunately I´ was not as lucky to buy the version before it was not longer available. There is nothing worst, then see the light at the end of the tunnel and loose it in the last seconds.
I need to uninstall this but don't know what files to delete from my server, anbody got any idea what file uploads there were for this addon? Thanks. :)
i agree with erich, there is alot of coders who come and go every year!!

be careful who you buy from!! you will loose your money after a year!!

there is only about 6 add-on coders who i trust in xenforo!! the rest dont buy from them!!
i wont say which 6 i like, but au lait is on my list of 6 favorite coders!


well i was wrong, looks like au lait disappeared, luckily for me i only bought 1 add-on so only lost 30$


au lait is off my list favourites list, even if he comes back its too risky to spend money if someone close their website that way

i only trust @DragonByte Tech and @Siropu now

well i was wrong, looks like au lait disappeared, luckily for me i only bought 1 add-on so only lost 30$

View attachment 196788

au lait is off my list favourites list, even if he comes back its too risky to spend money if someone close their website that way

i only trust @DragonByte Tech and @Siropu now


Sorry that you think like that but in the last 4-5 years I have known au lait, I would not hesitate once to trust him. He is a really good guy and was always there when you needed him. This is the first time ever he disappeared but he didn't run away like other people without saying anything. He declared his reason why he had to stop his support and unlike other people he disclosed his site so future customers don't get burned trying to buy an addon.

One thing though, he could have let his site open so current customers can download current addons tied to their licences but I hope this situation is temporarily and au lait comes back soon hopefully healthy.
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