XF 1.5 Limit font size in posts and signature


in memoriam 1947-2022
I'm still transitioning from vBulletin so forgive me if this has already been answered.

I can't find a setting for this in options.

How can I limit things like font size in posts, signatures, and profiles?

In a similar vein, how do I limit the length of user fields like location and occupation?
Solution to part of question 1:

AdminCP >> Users >> List Usergroups

Click on Registered (or the name of your basic member group or any other groups you want to limit).

Scroll down to Permissions >> Signature Permissions >> Maximum text size (1 - 7): and set it to the highest font size you want to allow.
Outside of what you found for signatures, there aren't any limits on font sizes in posts or explicit limits for location and occupation outside of what is built-in for those fields.
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