XF 1.5 Like and comment in latest activity or news feed


Well-known member
Using live a feed like digitalpoint spy and am trying to get like and comment to show up on the relevant newsfeed items but the code isn't working does anyone know the fix?

<li id="item_{$item.news_feed_id}" class="event primaryContent NewsFeedItem" data-author="{$item.username}">

    <xen:avatar user="$item" size="s" class="icon" />
    <div class="content">       
        {xen:raw $itemTemplate}
        <xen:datetime time="{$itemDate}" />
    <xen:hook name="post_public_controls" params="{xen:array 'post={$post}'}">
                <xen:if is="{$post.canLike}">
                    <a href="{xen:link posts/like, $post}" class="LikeLink item control {xen:if $post.like_date, unlike, like}" data-container="#likes-post-{$post.post_id}"><span></span><span class="LikeLabel">{xen:if $post.like_date, {xen:phrase unlike}, {xen:phrase like}}</span></a>
                <xen:if is="{$canReply}">
                    <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.multiQuote}"><a href="{xen:link threads/reply, $thread, 'quote={$post.post_id}'}"
                        class="MultiQuoteControl JsOnly item control"
                        title="{xen:phrase toggle_multi_quote_tooltip}"><span></span><span class="symbol">{xen:phrase multiquote_add}</span></a></xen:if>
                    <a href="{xen:link threads/reply, $thread, 'quote={$post.post_id}'}"
                        data-postUrl="{xen:link posts/quote, $post}"
                        class="ReplyQuote item control reply"
                        title="{xen:phrase reply_quoting_this_message}"><span></span>{xen:phrase reply}</a>

Just trying to add the like & reply buttons on these pages is driving me crazy.
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