Well-known member
Using live a feed like digitalpoint spy and am trying to get like and comment to show up on the relevant newsfeed items but the code isn't working does anyone know the fix?
Just trying to add the like & reply buttons on these pages is driving me crazy.
<li id="item_{$item.news_feed_id}" class="event primaryContent NewsFeedItem" data-author="{$item.username}">
<xen:avatar user="$item" size="s" class="icon" />
<div class="content">
{xen:raw $itemTemplate}
<xen:datetime time="{$itemDate}" />
<xen:hook name="post_public_controls" params="{xen:array 'post={$post}'}">
<xen:if is="{$post.canLike}">
<a href="{xen:link posts/like, $post}" class="LikeLink item control {xen:if $post.like_date, unlike, like}" data-container="#likes-post-{$post.post_id}"><span></span><span class="LikeLabel">{xen:if $post.like_date, {xen:phrase unlike}, {xen:phrase like}}</span></a>
<xen:if is="{$canReply}">
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.multiQuote}"><a href="{xen:link threads/reply, $thread, 'quote={$post.post_id}'}"
class="MultiQuoteControl JsOnly item control"
title="{xen:phrase toggle_multi_quote_tooltip}"><span></span><span class="symbol">{xen:phrase multiquote_add}</span></a></xen:if>
<a href="{xen:link threads/reply, $thread, 'quote={$post.post_id}'}"
data-postUrl="{xen:link posts/quote, $post}"
class="ReplyQuote item control reply"
title="{xen:phrase reply_quoting_this_message}"><span></span>{xen:phrase reply}</a>
Just trying to add the like & reply buttons on these pages is driving me crazy.
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