Let’s make XenForo great: make thread pages cacheable


Active member
I’m an avid user of xF however I’m disappointed to see that caching is not supported at all. It would actually give quite a big performance boost to statically render pages behind forum/ and threads/. Yes, there is a reason that this is not supported, and not all setups might accommodate this, but as a CloudFlare user this could be easily toggled on.

Cached pages can always be busted whenever there is a new post. So that’s not an excuse to not have this, neither the fact that “dynamic content” needs to be generated first. Come on, it’s 2022.

So my question is, why is this feature not supported out of the box? Are there any plans to do this ? Fact is that statically pre rendered pages are all the rage nowadays and xF could benefit a lot from having this feature.
Upvote 12
A few people are using it as a beta version, but no issues have popped up yet. So probably not too far down the road.
Exciting to hear! Once you're happy with it, do you mind giving a quick rundown of what you ended up changing to make it work? For those not using Cloudflare as their external caching solution but using something with similar capacities, up to them to then figure out how to translate your changes into that ofc. Mostly to avoiding needing to manually diff different versions of your CF plug-in... 😅
I’m excited about this add on! :)
You are welcome.

Lucky I raised this issue. Otherwise, guess what, you wouldn't have this, the guy developing it wasn't smart enough to come up with the idea on his own, but was smart enough however to lecture me about "dynamic websites" and in the end he goes and implements it. Hypocrisy at its best in this community. You are all welcome.
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You are welcome.

Lucky I raised this issue. Otherwise, guess what, you wouldn't have this, the guy developing it wasn't smart enough to come up with the idea on his own, but was smart enough however to lecture me about "dynamic websites" and in the end he goes and implements it. Hypocrisy at its best in this community. You are all welcome.
Highlighted the only true part of your post.

Thank you for your (insignificant) service.
Mayhap you need to review the rules for posting here... got a sneaking suspicion you are borderline. :eek:

Be courteous and respect your fellow members. To be clear, personal attacks, aggressive messages, and passive-aggressive behavior is unacceptable. If you take particular issue with another user and are unable to reply in a civilised and constructive way to their posts, you should ignore the user.
Be a REAL pity if someone decided to report your post. And nope, going back and deleting/editing it won't change the behavior documented.
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More importantly than feeding OP's rudeness, @digitalpoint now released a public version with it, and reported a bug on the way there here https://xenforo.com/community/threa...ays-updated-with-xf-keepalive-refresh.211655/ and through that I found out about https://xenforo.com/community/threads/logout-bug-when-guest-caching-is-enabled.200977/ which I ran into while testing, which at the time made me believe that it was a bug with edge caching (but rather was with XF built-in guest caching in general).

So it's good to see some action and that we should hopefully soon all have that option available with a reasonable amount of effort (I'm a bit of a broken record at this point, but that means including those that don't use Cloudflare specifically).

Another very relevant virtue of edge caching, other than TTFB, is what I mentioned in https://xenforo.com/community/threads/xenforo-and-edge-caches.211370 ; that is that it makes DoS protection against naive attacks infinitely more cost-effective too, so while still not a critical feature, there are a lot of cases where it's way more valuable than it might originally seem.
@Stockwalker I have had to remove two of your posts due to them breaching the rules.

I suggest you (re)acquaint yourself with them if you want to continue to be able to post here.

Coming from phpbb with a 1.4 million post count, i'm actually shocked at how much faster xenforo is and how little resources it consumes. I haven't installed any form of caching and our just forum rips on a 2 core CPU.

Don't really need this cache!
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