This is normal and it is a good thing.
Forum > Thread View > Read Tread > Post > Submit Post > Read Post = 3 page views
Because Read Thread, Post, Submit Post, and Read Post are all on the same page. Can even add in "edit post" and "submit edit", are also on the same page (so it would still be only 3 pages).
You're saving on bandwidth and page load by removing all those extra pages. Thus also saving on resources.
And for statistical (analytics) measurements, you're getting a more clearer view on exactly how many pages of real interest are actually being visited.
Because truthfully on other software, you really don't need the post page, submit page, edit page, and submit edit page to be factored in when you're comparing true SEO readings.
But for peace of mind, XenForo does keep internal user data of activity
You can also go into either one of those and change the date range, so you can technically even look up yearly as well or narrow it down to as small as today -vs- yesterday if you wish.