As designed legacy file cleaner doesn't find old images


Well-known member
Affected version
in the styles/ folder,

there's old icons that are no longer used from 2015. here's 3 that i highlighted. there's many more. These are not found in the 2.3.x dl package and the legacy file remover did not pick them up.

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This is intentional - we don't attempt to remove files from styles. We actually only attempt to remove files from src/vendor, src/vendor-patch and src/XF. We're focusing mostly on code files clean up here. This is primarily to remove files we no longer use, or files that have been renamed.

For styles specifically, we have no real way of knowing whether those files were added by us in the past, or by the user, or added by us, modified, and then still used for some reason. We won't be removing these files.
Perhaps instead of removing them, a 'report' that they exist could be generated for the user to make manual decisions on? Or a prompt to clean only if you know what you're doing?
It’s really just not what the tool is designed for. Random images and stuff in various folders are practically zero impact.

We only care about legacy code files which can actually be problematic.
I understand your position, but fundamentally disagree. It's housekeeping and I would like a clean house so i don't have to sort through decades of old useless stuff that I don't know for sure if its useless. Understandably, you also don't know if it's useless to ME, the user, but to xf 2.3.3, it can be highlighted as a not-default image in the package and the user could be prompted to clean it up or keep it if altered from the original file. a quick image compare (file size?) could be enough to generate the prompt for the user to investigate further or simply mark it as not needed.
If you just care about files that exist in the install archive vs what's installed, you can do it with vimdiff fairly easily (assuming you have shell access).

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