XF 2.3 Learn the add-ons, where do I start? Need an advice


Active member
I have a little experience with PHP Basic and HTML, CSS, but nothing much knowledge

My point is to goal to create an add-on, I need to know whether this, are requirement or not, so I do not know what will help me learn fast

  • PHP Basic
  • PHP OOP stands for (Object-Oriented Programming)
  • CSS
  • JS (Javascript) JQuery or Vanilla

I have set for Laragon and use my PC to create an add-on so I did, but I followed this XenForo add-on of documents: https://xenforo.com/docs/dev/lets-build-an-add-on/

This is difficult to understand, and I also have VSC installed on my PC. But I have no clue what I should start and which or where one will be the best advice for fast learning PHP Basic or PHP OOP, others
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