Lack of interest Last Edited by Suggestion #2

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Well-known member
Previously, I suggested that the owner of a post, regardless if they were staff or not, could see the edit history, which got shot down.

Anyway, there is now a "Last edited" in the postbit followed by the time it was edited. Would it be possible to change it to by? Like "Last edited by Amaury: A moment ago."
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If the post author edits it it states "last edited".

If a moderator edits it it states "last edited by a moderator".

Is the post author name therefore required as the author and moderators are the only people who can edit it?
Is the post author name therefore required as the author and moderators are the only people who can edit it?

I just feel like it could be helpful.

For example, if it's a popular thread and a staff member edits something inappropriate out in the OP, a member would see Last edited by Brogan: 1 minute ago, as you stated, but if the OP then later edits to update information, they'll see Last edited: 23 minutes ago.

I feel like some members, especially new members, would find that confusing if they saw it go from Last edited to Last edited by [Staff Member] or vice-versa -- or even some back and forth action.
Not all staff members are moderators, especially now that the staff flag can be applied to any member.

I have an administrator and a staff member on my site who aren't moderators.
Not all staff members are moderators, especially now that the staff flag can be applied to any member.

I have an administrator and a staff member on my site who aren't moderators.


While administrators may not be directly moderators, though, they can still edit posts just the same, so this is where I think having "staff member" instead of "moderator" would be better, since staff member can be applied to any staff and not just one user group, such as Administrators, Super Moderators and Moderators.

An alternative option, I guess, could be that if a moderator edits your post, it says "moderator," but if an administrator edits your post, it says "administrator."
Not in my forums, no. The initial administrator installed by the software does since it can be assumed that the initial account will be the only staff member at first, so inherently needs them. The verbiage of "moderator" implies that someone with moderation capabilities, since not all staff members will have them unlike in other software.

I ascribe to the whole assign moderator permissions via the moderator group + individual permissions when creating the user as a moderator. The individual permissions elevate certain users (me) to have more permissions such as hard delete permissions.
If the post author edits it it states "last edited".

If a moderator edits it it states "last edited by a moderator".

Is the post author name therefore required as the author and moderators are the only people who can edit it?
I agree with Amaury. Especially on large boards a moderator can be one of 10-20 people. So if just the user edited their post, it can say 'last edited', but if the moderator edited it, it should say 'last edited by moderator (Name)', for easy identification.
The only reason which I can think of, why providing the moderator's name can be useful, is that you give the user the ability to discuss the edit with the specific moderator. However on many forums moderator decisions shall not be discussed and it can be helpful not to mention the name to reach this goal.

To make all people happy, maybe providing the name should be optional? I always like to have options! :p
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