XF 1.2 Language translation issues


Well-known member
I will post all my questions about translating in this thread. I downloaded .xml file to translate XenForo to my language much quicker but for some reason I can not find there these phrases:

Inappropriate Content
Inappropriate Behaviour
Inappropriate Language
Inappropriate Advertising

You will come to these phrases when you choose warning type for a user. Any idea why they are not there? Thanks.
I am back as I don't know what are discouraged users, discouraged IP Addresses, etc. What is the synonym for this word? Could it be punished? Are those users punished for something? It seems like a special users category for 1st April :D What is exactly the aim of this and against who it was made? Thanks.
In Preferences under Notices there is an option to Restore dismissed notices (Any notices you have previously dismissed will be restored to view if you check this option). I don't know what these are, so can please someone explain me where I can dismiss notices and where I can find these restored notices? Thanks.
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Please enter a name without using control characters. I am trying to translate at the moment all the error messages appearing when choosing a user name during the registration process. I have tried all the special characters from my keyboard but never received this message. Can someone please explain me what are control characters? Few examples will do thanks.
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