XF 1.5 Language problem


Well-known member
Changing language does not affect ACP,after set and change language in Croatian, ACP stil shows english setup?

Does XF comes with other languages for ACP or do you have to create / translate them yourself?

Or perhaps older language packs don't contain the ACP items and they will need adding / translating?
Your screenshots are all for changing the front end, they don't affect the ACP. You have to click on the language in the footer (bottom right corner) of the ACP to change the ACP language.

It still shows English (US) in the bottom right hand corner of the ACP. When you click on this, are you able to select Croatian? If so when you have clicked on it, is it switching back to English (US)?
It still shows English (US) in the bottom right hand corner of the ACP. When you click on this, are you able to select Croatian? If so when you have clicked on it, is it switching back to English (US)?
That solved problems, click on ACP language link, Thanks, but must be changed in ACP to when change language footer link.It is a BUG?
That solved problems, click on ACP language link, Thanks, but must be changed in ACP to when change language footer link.It is a BUG?
Probably not. The default language for the front end is English until you change it. It's probably the same for the back end. Remember, all the screenshots you posted are for changing the front end language, they don't affect the language in the ACP.
I was just about to move this to bugs and say I would look in more detail...

But is this the same test forum I logged into recently via a support ticket? If so, then I likely changed the Admin CP language for that account to English ;)

The language in the front end and back end can now be selected independently. The language in the back end can either be 0 (which would use the front end language) or it can be the ID of any other language (which would override the choice set in the front end). If it's the board I used, I may have set it to English, therefore overriding it to that until you selected something else.
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