Label (tag) cloud for Bookmarks full page


Well-known member
Would anyone be interested in creating this? On the full bookmarks page, a Label cloud of all the labels you used in order of usage perhaps with a cutoff setting (show 100 max for example) and a "Show all" link that opens them all.

They would appear above the bookmarks on the full page.

It could show the times used like:

[add-on (22)]
Click label and see the list or results

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I imagine them in a "block/widget" with a header, above the Bookmarks area and right of the left sidebar, or, in a block/section under the sidebar.

The format would more of a list than a cloud. Showing the actual labels. By use, and perhaps, an alphabetical sort. Or as an alternative, the cloud format with the larger words, etc. But I like the list better.

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