Jake? Extending Category title colours to other levels


Well-known member
Jake having used your Category styling to wondrous effect (a thousand thanks)
I would like to extend this.

So the forum titles as seen on category_view or any forum list
and thread titles in those forums
all display with the same link colour on the Title as the top level Category Title colour.

So everywhere the visitor goes the colour of the links tells them which Category they are in.

Not sure if it will be possible to have a rainbow of colours on What's New/ Watched Threads/ Recent stuff
but one can dream!
Unfortunately there is nothing on forum_view that links it to its parent category.

The immediate parent of a forum is available as {$forum.parent_node_id} inside of forum_view, so you can use a condition like this:

<xen:if is="{$forum.parent_node_id} == 1">


As for the link colors... the CSS I posted previously works on all children of the specified node_id without any extra conditions.
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