[J] Email Check

[J] Email Check 1.2.4

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error modal showing "please enter an valid email".

Is this message a phrase? ie. it can be changed?
It's a valid email, just not one necessarily accepted by the site. I'd want it to be more accurate and descriptive.
Is this message a phrase? ie. it can be changed?
It's a valid email, just not one necessarily accepted by the site. I'd want it to be more accurate and descriptive.
As far as I can remember I guess it's default xenforo phrase for not valid emails :) and it's using the same phrase.
Informs the user they are using an un-accepted disposable? Allows them to enter another? Uses AJAX for real-time after entering in email, or only on submission of form?
Yes, the user will be informed.
Yes, user can choose another email.
Info to user after submission.

The validator.pizza check works best for me.
Cant get much simpler that that. The addon uses a third party site to check a users email to see if it is a disposable email, if it is, they can not use it to register.
Alright, can you explain a bit more simple please :)
If someone tries to register using an email provider that is on third party lists as disposable email addresses, (trashbin for example) this plugin rejects the registration but allows the person to re-try using a valid provider.
@Ozzy47 Option title are not updated to [OzzModz]? Also Addon name best to [OzzModz] Email Address Verification? Does Email Address Verification work from User change Email Address after registration?

I am no longer developing this addon, I am handing it back to JustinHawk. So when that happens, he will update the addon as necessary.
Is there a log created somewhere or some way to tell if we're bumping up against the 120 limit from validator.pizza? What happens if we do? (I hope all users won't be blocked from registering if we hit that limit?) Thanks!
Minor thing, but I'd suggest extracting the domain and moving to validator.pizza's /domain/ endpoint instead of their /email/ endpoint. The only benefit the /email/ endpoint offers is the alias value, which doesn't get checked by this addon anyway. This would avoid any privacy/GDPR issues that arise by passing the entire email address to a random third party service.

Not sure if ipqualityscore has a similar option? Also noticed the ipqualityscore.com endpoint is using http instead of https, whilst they 301 redirect http to https, using the https endpoint would cut down on an extra request.
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