Goodmorning, from yesterday evening i've a fatal error on my site and i've seen in Error Log file that error :
I don't know how i can do to resolve this problem. Please can you see this problem? Thanks a lot for your job!
[15-Feb-2020 13:40:22 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class '\XF\App' not found in /home/stealths/public_html/src/XF.php:361
Stack trace:
#0 /home/stealths/public_html/src/XF.php(352): XF::setupApp('\\XF\\App')
#1 /home/stealths/public_html/src/XF.php(169): XF::app()
#2 [internal function]: XF::handleException(Object(Error))
#3 {main}
thrown in /home/stealths/public_html/src/XF.php on line 361
I don't know how i can do to resolve this problem. Please can you see this problem? Thanks a lot for your job!