Won't fix  Issue with right-to-left language display in Recent Activity


Well-known member
Just noticed this in the Recent Activity.


The 4 should be with "minutes ago".

This may be covered when you guys support RTL languages, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway.
Unfortunately, this is always a challenge. It gets into the "affinity" a character has for LTR or RTL text. For example, Latin characters are LTR; Arabic characters are RTL. However, numbers will attach in either way based on surroundings and markup. It's seriously complex. We could potentially add lrm/rlm markers, but I'm not sure how we'd get away with that as we have no way to know/guarantee what direction is coming. So I'm going to call this a won't fix - in a full RTL translation with RTL titles, it should be ok.
Mixed phrases with LTR and RTL text really get annoyed when there are numbers or special symbols on borders. It become almost unreadable when this happen in multi-line text.

Using unicode-bidi CSS property might help. :-)

Viewing thread صنف نازک 4 minutes ago
Mixed phrases with LTR and RTL text really get annoyed when there are numbers or special symbols on borders. It become almost unreadable when this happen in multi-line text.

Using unicode-bidi CSS property might help. :)
I know! I tried posting in the bug report how the text should actually read and couldn't get it the right way, no matter how you try.

Can't say I understand the bit about the bidi CSS property, but it would be really great if this could be sorted. :)
In Google+, they did really clever job. Since, they have a huge language model, hence, they recognize the language of the posted phrase and if it falls under RTL languages then they apply CSS properties accordingly. :-)
What if we change the phrase a bit, e.g.

Seen 4 minutes ago, viewing thread صنف نازک


Viewing thread صنف نازک
4 minutes ago
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