Might have just caught PHP-FPM error logs being rotated out with a fresh PHP-FPM error log so only has 1 error.
If so you can try the below extended inspection commands to take into account www-php.error.log logrotation which rotates out the logs and empties out the www-php.error.log and saves previous with date timestamp and may use gzip or
zstd compression.
For gzip compression based logrotation, you can view all PHP errors with date and timestamp. Remember this will include all errors even previous fixed instead of just current log at /var/log/php-fpm/www-php.error.log. If you have more than 1 CPU thread on server, Centmin Mod will also setup multi-threaded zcat for faster processing - so replace zcat command with
zcat -f $(find /var/log/php-fpm/ -type f -name "www-php.error.log*" -exec ls -1rt "{}" +;)
For gzip compression based logroation, you can view all unique PHP errors without date and timestamp. Remember this will include all errors even previous fixed instead of just current log at /var/log/php-fpm/www-php.error.log. If you have more than 1 CPU thread on server, Centmin Mod will also setup multi-threaded zcat for faster processing - so replace zcat command with
zcat -f $(find /var/log/php-fpm/ -type f -name "www-php.error.log*" -exec ls -1rt "{}" +;) | awk '{print substr($0, index($0, $4))}' | sort -u
You can also narrow down to last 168hrs of logs with find option = -newermt "-168 hours" - just be aware the command will hang if you have no logs newer than 168hrs or whatever hours you set as awk and sort won't have anything to process. So just hit CTRL+C to abort.
zcat -f $(find /var/log/php-fpm/ -type f -name "www-php.error.log*" -newermt "-168 hours" -exec ls -1rt "{}" +;) | awk '{print substr($0, index($0, $4))}' | sort -u
For zstd compression based logrotation, you can view all PHP errors with date and timestamp. Remember this will include all errors even previous fixed instead of just current log at /var/log/php-fpm/www-php.error.log
zstdcat -f $(find /var/log/php-fpm/ -type f -name "www-php.error.log*" -exec ls -1rt "{}" +;)
For zstd compression based logroation, you can view all unique PHP errors without date and timestamp. Remember this will include all errors even previous fixed instead of just current log at /var/log/php-fpm/www-php.error.log
zstdcat -f $(find /var/log/php-fpm/ -type f -name "www-php.error.log*" -exec ls -1rt "{}" +;) | awk '{print substr($0, index($0, $4))}'| sort -u
You can also narrow down to last 168hrs of logs with find option = -newermt "-168 hours" - just be aware the command will hang if you have no logs newer than 168hrs or whatever hours you set as awk and sort won't have anything to process. So just hit CTRL+C to abort.
zstdcat -f $(find /var/log/php-fpm/ -type f -name "www-php.error.log*" -newermt "-168 hours" -exec ls -1rt "{}" +;) | awk '{print substr($0, index($0, $4))}'| sort -u