XF 2.3 is-sticky class behaviour


Well-known member

In XF 2.2 the is-sticky class behaviour was working fine. Well, in XF 2.3. it is also working fine, but there is something different.

If I want to have navigation at the same distance from the top as it is when the page is loaded (when not sticky), the is-sticky class is not applied.


I added this code:
.p-navSticky {
    top: 40px;

In XF 2.2 the sticky navigation would be 40px from the top edge and the is-sticky class is applied like this:


In XF 2.3 with the same code, the class is not applied:


What am I doing wrong? What am I missing?

Thank you for any input.
Perfect, thank you, @Jeremy P!

I think the similar thing happens with u-scrollButtons js-scrollButtons is-active. If I use the u-scrollButtons js-scrollButtons elsewhere (for some other element), the is-active is not applied and page jump buttons are not displayed. This behaviour works in XF 2.2, but no longer in XF 2.3.
@Jeremy P

Also this, when I try to use <xf:button class="js-installPromptButton">{{ phrase('install') }}</xf:button> somewhere else, the button is not functioning. In XF 2.2. it works normally. Is this the same issue with JS?
I'm not sure I understand, these controls work as designed for me. Do you mean if you have duplicate controls on the same page? The handlers are designed around having a single set of controls.
Do you mean if you have duplicate controls on the same page? The handlers are designed around having a single set of controls.
So this has changed in XF 2.3? Because in XF 2.2 I can use same class somewhere else on the site.
This may have worked incidentally in 2.2 because jQuery would select multiple elements even though we had only anticipated one.
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