XF 2.2 Is it possible to include variables in a custom template?

Unique Username

Well-known member
Hi all,

I'm trying to add forum stats to my footer (displays post counts, newest member etc) without using a widget. Is it possible to include variables into my custom template?

https://prnt.sc/uuvzn2 - As you can see here, I'm trying to get the post count to display however it is showing up as 0, although its actualy 29.
I'll do an additional guide for how to get vars from one template in another and update the resource.
Apologies for the bump on an old thread.

Has this guide been published?

I need a var from a custom add-on to display on member_macros template, and while the var works perfectly fine in its own add-on template, it shows as 0 (while it should be a different real number) on the member_macro, although I also included the add-on template inside member_macros.
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