Is it possible to embed an mgc chatbox still being served by a live vB into an XF Page or Other area


Well-known member
NOTE: This is post is no longer an issue, thanks to TaigaChat! 20111025

To maintain my SE ranking I will need to continue running vB as a live archive as it's not practical to remap all of the vBSEO'd links.

Therefore, my mgc chatbox (highly customized) will still be running on that system.

Is it possible therefore to embed the live chatbox into an XF "Page" and allow people logged in to vB and XF to use it? Bit of a long shot, but I thot I'd ask.
To maintain my SE ranking I will need to continue running vB as a live archive as it's not practical to remap all of the vBSEO'd links.

The vBSEO links for your forum content can be redirected using these scripts:

These redirect scripts should work in conjunction with your vBSEO rewrite rules.

Therefore, my mgc chatbox (highly customized) will still be running on that system.

Is it possible therefore to embed the live chatbox into an XF "Page" and allow people logged in to vB and XF to use it? Bit of a long shot, but I thot I'd ask.

Possible I'm sure. But I can think of several possible problems with that approach. I wouldn't want to try to implement that. It would be better to do a complete migration and disable the old forum.
Thanks very much Jake. I was hoping somebody would say that!
Complete disable still a bit of challenge because of the vB Blogs content.
How do THOSE links get handled by vBSEO redirection script?
I don't have a huge number of Blogs... less than 100, and less than 100 posts per blog.
I do not want to use WordPress for the blogs area - I want it to all be under the XF roof.

Considering the relatively low number of blogs likely (1000 or less, for a while anyway)
I asked K & M if there might be a way to create a Blog-like area in the Forum and use a permissions scheme for that area
that allows each registered user to create one sub-forum (i.e. their blog) where only they can create new threads, but all registered members could reply, and they said that would be feasible.
Paul M's importer converts blogs into private forums, viewable by staff only.
Thanks Brogan! I assume that then the permissions can be tweaked so that everyone can read the blog forum and only the blogger for a given blog can create new threads in it, to which all registered users may reply. Is it a correct assumption that admin will be able to configure this area in such a manner? Thanks again, HJ
Thanks Brogan! I assume that then the permissions can be tweaked so that everyone can read the blog forum and only the blogger for a given blog can create new threads in it, to which all registered users may reply. Is it a correct assumption that admin will be able to configure this area in such a manner? Thanks again, HJ

I don't know if that importer creates a single forum for all blogs or separate forums for all blogs. The permissions you described are only possible if each blog is a separate forum, and then you would have to grant user-level permissions to each author. It would be tedious to setup those permissions.
The 3.x importer only imports the following:

User Groups
Custom Avatars
Private Messages
Visitor Messages
Threads and Posts
The 3.x importer only imports the following:

User Groups
Custom Avatars
Private Messages
Visitor Messages
Threads and Posts
Thanks Brogan... Can't say I like the news but still glad I didn't upgrade to
I'll figure something out...

THREAD UPDATE... Thanks to TaigaChat now being pretty stable (THANKS D/I!) I no longer have to sweat the customized chatbox at my vB installation. I can now follow Jake's advice and get ON with it!!!
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