XF 1.3 Is it possible to display the username in the RSS feed?


I'd like to show the latest forum threads on my blogs' frontpage. The pre-installed Wordpress RSS reader offers the option to display the name of author (in my case forum user) of the respective thread. But when I turn on the option "show author" the username doesn't get displayed. I tried it with other feeds (techrunch.com) and there it worked.

Thanks for any help!
In XenForo's outgoing feed the author name is included. Example:

Rich (BB code):
      <title>BBCode usage &amp; CSS failure.</title>
      <pubDate>Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:21:09 +0000</pubDate>
      <content:encoded><![CDATA[Hello!<br />
<br />
I have currently created a tooltip bbcode, which like the name suggests, when you hover over the text, your tooltip pops up!!!<br />
<br />
Take a look at our <a href="http://jsfiddle.net/E76dM/" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="proxy.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fjsfiddle.net%2FE76dM%2F&amp;hash=29c01e83cdfa8e21b61b10ebbbeefd09" rel="nofollow">jsfiddle page</a> where we developed the code, or on the <a href="http://forums.shortcutcentral.org/help/bb-codes" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="proxy.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fforums.shortcutcentral.org%2Fhelp%2Fbb-codes&amp;hash=03702615e46b4a564d9fe092429e2b8b" rel="nofollow">BBCode help page</a> (The code is at the bottom, and works) for my forum, or on a post where it doesn&#039;t actually work<br />
<br />
The BBCode itself looks like:<br />

<div class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeHtml">
	<div class="type">HTML:</div>
	<pre>&lt;span data-tooltip=&quot;{option}&quot;...</pre>
</div><a href="http://xenforo.com/community/threads/bbcode-usage-css-failure.71297/" class="internalLink">BBCode usage &amp; CSS failure.</a>]]></content:encoded>

Wordpress might not be looking to the same tag name that XenForo uses. Some readers allow you to specify this.
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Thanks for the reply! I'll try to find a RSS feed that offers this option.
Oh, and this is the right RSS feed when I'm looking for the latest threads (of all forums):
http://forum.1ksociety.com/forums/-/index.rss ?

Edit: I've tried another https://wordpress.org/plugins/blogroll-rss-widget/ and both widgets explicitly have an option to show the author - but both times it's not working?! :/

Do you maybe know about an RSS feed that would work with the Xenforo feed?

It's up to the RSS reader which in this case is WordPress. So it becomes more of a WordPress support issue.
I showed the problem a developer I know and at first glance he thinks the "error" lies somewhere in the RSS feed of the forum. If you check the W3 feed validator, it shows an error, esp. in the author line, that I was referring to:
(Invalid email / author)
How a validated feed looks like:

Maybe you could take a closer look at the output or have any information how I could modify the RSS reader in order to display the author tag properly. Thank you in advance.
The validator is failing author for not being a valid email address -- Unless you want your users email addresses publicly exposed, that is a good thing.
The validator is failing author for not being a valid email address -- Unless you want your users email addresses publicly exposed, that is a good thing.
So do you have an idea why two RSS widgets are both times not displaying the author of the Xenforo feed? While they work with all other feeds I've tested?
Or do you have a solution, a RSS widget/tool that IS going to show me the author, using the Xenforo forum feed?
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