XF 2.2 Is it possible to change the "display name"


New member
Is it possible to add [First Name] [Last Name] fields as mandatory when a user registers? And then show these fields under the user's avatar instead of the username?
You can create a custom profile field and display that via the style properties.

Custom CSS or a template edit would be required to remove the user name.
That sounds like a very bad idea to me.

First, if you use real names and need to delete a user (e.g., GDPR request), every post where he was quoted will still contain his real name and you would need a way to change every instance of the real name there.

Second, with people concerned about privacy, all you would probably achieve is a lot of members entering fake first and last names to avoid being personally identified.
I found the best option is to use a single field called Real Name and do not make it required. Most people will put their first, some will put last initial, some will put full. It's nice to know real names on a lot of communities, and I found this way works really well. Those that are private, it does not affect in any way.
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