Is it possible to disable auto parsing of links.

maybe something like:
public function renderTagUrl(array $tag, array $renderStates)
            $url = $this->_getTagOption($tag);
            return parent::renderString($url, array(), $trim);

you can see it live in action in
I wouldn't really know what to do with that from there but the addon looks awesome....:-)

I have tried using regex in my bbcode (created with bbcm) but the best effort I was able to yield was replacing the first instance of the tags...the rest remained the same. <Sigh>...why don't I have a clue as to what I am doing
You can do that with a simple add-on. Listen to load_class_bb_code. Extend XenForo_BbCode_Formatter_BbCode_AutoLink. Do something like this

class MyAddOn_BbCode_Formatter_BbCode_AutoLink extends XFCP_MyAddOn_BbCode_Formatter_BbCode_AutoLink {
public function filterString($string, array $rendererStates)
return $string;
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