Not planned (...) is hardcoded, please add to the actual phrase


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Post thread...
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Post Thread
If I edit the phrase the (...) are not there. I have to edit each template they appear in.
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same, and
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I would like to change this to What's on your mind?
So it looks really funny to have a question mark and then ...
What's on your mind?...
I have to edit all the templates when this could easily be in the phrase itself.
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This is very much intentional and we have no plans to change it.

In XF1 it was not uncommon to have, as an example, a phrase named post_thread containing the text Post Thread and a phrase named post_thread_ellipsis containing the text Post Thread.... Similarly there could be phrases like some_phrase with the text Some phrase and another like some_phrase_colon with the text Some phrase:.

It is much more elegant to have a system whereby we can modify the display of a phrase based on its context.

So we can do:
{{ phrase('post_thread') }}
For Post thread.

We can do:
{{ phrase('post_thread...') }}
For Post thread….

We can do:
{{ phrase('post_thread:') }}
For Post thread:.

And we can do:
{{ phrase('(post_thread)') }}
For (Post thread).

One phrase, four different contexts.

That all said, you don't have to edit the template.

Notice how the ellipsis or the colon is actually part of the phrase name. That's because it is a modifier. That ... isn't actually what appears in the phrase. It's actually this . We see that ... (dot dot dot) and replace it with (horizontal ellipsis character). So where does the come from?

It comes from your language. If you edit your language, e.g. the "English (US)" language you will see there's an entry for the "Ellipsis character". Empty that out and save it, and that should remove them all, automatically.
This is a good method, and clearing that field still keeps it in areas where it makes logical sense, for example, "Post thread in..." it's in the phrase, and is still there.
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