Fixed IPv6 addresses not supported

What is the status quo on this?

I had this week-end the first spammer with IPv6 address. If this technology gives spammers the ability to spam XF easier than before and easier than with other forum software, this could ruin the reputation of Xenforo in a few months...
What is the status quo on this?

I had this week-end the first spammer with IPv6 address. If this technology gives spammers the ability to spam XF easier than before and easier than with other forum software, this could ruin the reputation of Xenforo in a few months...

Could you not just block all port 80 requests via ip6tables?
Pretty please.
Please with a cherry on top.

v6 IP's @Mike They're not going away, they're multiplying and doubling up.

It's no longer spam, but normal users are now using v6 IP address. I agree with @Biker you can't simply disable this or ignore it. You need to handle this head on.

Dude... "make it so" :p
This is something I see KAM dropping the ball on.

I'm sure it would require a lot of work and maybe extra code, but it really should be included in 1.2

This was originally requested November 2011 --- Almost 2 years ago (1 year, 7 months).

The technology and availability of that technology is moving fast than development :(
Since my sites cater to an international audience and a number of countries have switched to IPv6 already, this is a high priority for me.

Please mind that the lack of IPv6 support on vbulletin is actually one of the reasons to migrate away from vbulletin. So XenForo needs to cater to this ASAP if XenForo wants to have this competitive advantage as well.

IMHO its simply a matter of applying modern standards to modern software.
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Since my sites cater to an international audience and a number of countries have switched to IPv6 already, this is a high priority for me.

Please mind that the lack of IPv6 support on vbulletin is actually one of the reasons to migrate away from vbulletin. So XenForo needs to cater to this ASAP if XenForo wants to have this competitive advantage as well.

IMHO its simply a matter of applying modern standards to modern software.

I would imagine it wont be done in 1.2, I would assume it's a relatively big change and could have impact on stability. I would imagine it'll come in 1.3 or later.
You guys all realise that if you turn ipv6 off for now people who are on an ipv6 isp get routed through an ipv4 gateway or proxy to connect to your site giving you an ip to log. Those ips can be dynamically assigned or proxied depending on needs and all will be logged like normal records to show who was using what I suspect (for legal reasons)
Its not like ISP's are giving out ipv6 to homes breaking most of the internet for them.

Saying that native ipv6 support means those users will have less issues with gateways or proxies being overloaded etc so sooner the better.
Just wanted to inform you that that state of the world is changing....

cPanel now supports v6 IP.
Further some (not all) Asian ISP's use v6 IP now exclusively.
I understand. I also find the ipv6 addresses very annoying and strange. But it is a not too complicated fix. I hope we get it in version 1.3.
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