Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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Given the exodus this is going to cause, I think I'm going to call Kier Moses.

And God spoketh to the people and said: These are your commandments!

I am XenForo, your Foro, who brought you out of the land of inferior forum software, out of the house of IB;
Do not have any other Foro after me.
You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in servers yonder, or that is on the PC beneath, or that is in the laptop nextdoor.
You may bow down to other forum software or worship them; for I the XenForo your Foro am a confident Forum package, who needs not punish admins for the iniquity of other software, and the admins of XenForo sites will poke great fun of those who reject me,
but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and buy licenses.
You shall not make wrongful use of the copyright laws, for the XenForo clientele will not acquit anyone who misuses lawyers.
Remember the XenForo promises and keep it holy.
For little time you shall labour and sweat.
But the day after will be suitable for praise to the XenForo your Foro; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in IB.
For in few months the Kier and Mike made the articles, the threads, the posts, and all that is in them, but they played badminton before release day; therefore the clients blessed the release day and consecrated it.
Honor your forum and your users, so that your days may be long in the land that the XenForo your Foro is giving you.
You shall not pirate.
You shall not curse the functionality.
You shall not allow spam.
You shall not crosspost.
You shall not covet IBs software; you shall not click their ads, or banners, or read their news, or visit their sites, or go even remotely near anything that belongs to IB, other than to curse.
All i know is that none of us are lawyers (wait, is one of us actually a lawyer?)

We've had a USA IP attorney (I think), me with my Scots law degree (although I've never gone into practice as a solicitor) and... I'm not sure who else :)

Even if we had a solicitor who specialised in IP law in England and Wales, that wouldn't do us much more good - we still need a judge, as they actually decide whos interpretation is right ;)
All i know is that none of us are lawyers (wait, is one of us actually a lawyer?), so all i see is a bunch of people reading stuff that they think they can interpret.
We cant.
No matter how clear cut something may look, it can mean the total opposite legally speaking.
While Shanji's post is informative, it is not definitive in my estimation. Well unless she is a lawyer.
If not then its just untrained layman interpretation.

Even lawyers can't comment right now without knowing any facts about the law suit.
I spent 1-1/2 years as a corporate rep (evidence, depositions, court testimony, etc) for a lawsuit we were involved in regarding IP infringement claims and while we were totally in the right and had the proof to back it up, we ended up settling and impacting our sales simply because the case started to cost us too much money. once their lawyer gets started and if he/she is hard up enough for the money, they can drag a court case on for a long time.
A guy from MyBB. Don't know if he's posted it here yet or not. So either way this should work out at least decent for XenForo. They can drag it along and keep selling XenForo licenses. :D
A guy from MyBB. Don't know if he's posted it here yet or not. So either way this should work out at least decent for XenForo. They can drag it along and keep selling XenForo licenses. :D
Unless IB can actually obtain an injunction, I would think.
Only just discovered the news and this thread. Skipped from page 5 to page 56. Have I missed anything except general disgust at IB?
It's funny actually. IB couldn't walk through a field without stepping in every cow pat on the way. They really haven't a clue.

Well you did miss some sensationally good posts by me which can be summed up as "four legs are good" ... oh wait may have the wrong thread :(
@Ruven; You don't need to be a lawyer to know ANY of what I said, in response to what YOU said.
I should not have posted while quoting you, it wasnt really a response point at you or anyone for that matter, just in general.
How do you know ? Did you read the case if so please link to us so we can also see that .

A claim is a claim, and they have not gone in their way to impose a full-bound injunction. The claim has been neither proved nor disproved (to be true). Thus, at this moment, it remains, to us, unproved. Even if I had seen the case, it wouldn't be in the best interest of the parties to be sharing that information.
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