Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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That's like me closing threads because my members say Camaros suck. Everyone knows Internet Brands sucks. They suck bad. They are a ****ty company with ****ty tactics that don't give a **** about the forums they buy, just the money in the end.

Now, insulting members is another thing.
But that's not the sort of comment this site would want to be carrying, even more so now.
It's midnight in 30 minutes-ish in the UK, I think they're going to bed when they're done with whatever they're doing - like badminton as Kier posted earlier. And if anything, tomorrow earliest. We will see what happens, when it happens I guess.

I thought Brogan said a statement would be released tonight. Oh well.
Guys/Gals come on....don't take this too far. I hate what IB have done as much as the next XF fan, but stop making it personal.
Unsatisfactory as far as explaining what is going on, but it's good to know that the beta will go on.
But that's not the sort of comment this site would want to be carrying, even more so now.

Why? It is what it is. If people feel this way about IB let them speak their mind. Closing this thread is not going to keep that from happening. This thread is about a lawsuit against Xenforo from Internet Brands. No one should expect anything less than what has played out already. Just let it play out in this thread and sooner or later everyone will get everything off their chest.
I'm so glad they plan to go ahead with the beta sale tomorrow, I'll be buying a license as soon as it becomes available! GO XF!!!
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