Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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The admins don't have to do anything untill it's in writing? All they have done is posted I on there own forums, not even in the news that's how lame they are... I doubt they have the paper work yet so who cares untill then!? Only the courts can sop them selling remember that, ib asking them not to sell is totally different.. If xen is smart they would sell as it shows they have nothing to hide delaying the sale shows they do have something to hide...
Interesting point, on the other hand; it's better to start the sale when customers are absolutely sure about the future. IB is possibly doing this to take away hope with potential XF customers (they might lose their money when they buy a license now, or at least some may think that) and that alone can be damaging enough.

So I think it's best that there is clarity first, even if that means a delayed sale.
Well I haven't seen Mike, Kier, and Ashley online. So we'd better just sit and wait what they say we can help them with, of we can.
Interesting point, on the other hand; it's better to start the sale when customers are absolutely sure about the future. IB is possibly doing this to take away hope with potential XF customers (they might lose their money when they buy a license now, or at least some may think that) and that alone can be damaging enough.

So I think it's best that there is clarity first, even if that means a delayed sale.

True but if they do not go on sale and IB clams are wrong, maybe XenForo can get Legal aid and counter sue for lose of sales and damages?
If it does go on sale tomorrow and you have any concerns about the future of XF, Just pay using a credit card. You have the extra protection then. (UK Only)
That what exactly IB wants to delay the sale and eventually kill XF. Litigatin can go on for years. Do you say XF should not sell untill it clears. Rather this is critical time where XF needs to sell and earn enough $$$ to fight back.

Apple, IBM, Oracle all keep selling despite of lawsuits. I have not seen any business stopping their business because someone filed a case.

Interesting point, on the other hand; it's better to start the sale when customers are absolutely sure about the future. IB is possibly doing this to take away hope with potential XF customers (they might lose their money when they buy a license now, or at least some may think that) and that alone can be damaging enough.

So I think it's best that there is clarity first, even if that means a delayed sale.
..and to think, I just cleared out an FTP account, ready for my shiny new XF install in the morning :(

Good luck Kier and Co.
Someone came up with a suggestion we should all use your profile pic at to make a stand and to show IB what we think of these lawsuit actions.
Anyone ?


  • xen.webp
    6.5 KB · Views: 29
Everyone is making one mistake, your all assuming Mike, Kier, and Ashley are all broke. They never stated that nor should we assume. More than likely they've had a lawyer on retainer since starting XenForo.
True but if they do not go on sale and IB clams are wrong, maybe XenForo can get Legal aid and counter sue for lose of sales and damages?

To get legal aid you need to either be a) a not for profit organisation or b) an individual facing criminal charges with no way to pay for a defence yourself.
That what exactly IB wants to delay the sale and eventually kill XF. Litigatin can go on for years. Do you say XF should not sell untill it clears. Rather this is critical time where XF needs to sell and earn enough $$$ to fight back.

Apple, IBM, Oracle all keep selling despite of lawsuits. I have not seen any business stopping their business because someone filed a case.
You could be right, and I'm not a lawyer, just a (potential) customer that is a bit concerned about the future, I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
If it does go on sale tomorrow and you have any concerns about the future of XF, Just pay using a credit card. You have the extra protection then. (UK Only)
Only if it's more than £100 which, for a single licence, it won't be.
Perhaps Kier and Mike think they have “refactored” enough of the code to skirt copyright law. Our analysis strongly indicates otherwise and we believe anyone skilled in understanding such things will concur.

I'm skilled in understanding such things and I do not concur.

The code for XenForo and vBulletin are from two completely different planets. Any suggestion that any of the code in XenForo originated in vBulletin would be laughable if it were not so sad.

I'm hoping for sales tomorrow, I have a license to purchase.
Seeing xenforo, Maybe IB now understands how a good forum should look like and function, so they try to destroy them and later copy it. :)

But seriously, this is the cheapest try I've ever seen. Now I'm pretty sure, I'll never pay them a penny again. With this pathetic move I'm sure they lost a huge number of customers (yet again).
Everyone is making one mistake, your all assuming Mike, Kier, and Ashley are all broke. They never stated that nor should we assume. More than likely they've had a lawyer on retainer since starting XenForo.
Lawyer fees are not cheap even for big corporations. In high profile cases like this one you need top-notch lawyers, not a kid fresh from a law school. Only if it involves a Trade Secret can it be enforced.

I'm skilled in understanding such things and I do not concur.

The code for XenForo and vBulletin are from two completely different planets. Any suggestion that any of the code in XenForo originated in vBulletin would be laughable if it were not so sad.

I'm hoping for sales tomorrow, I have a license to purchase.

Check this post.
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