Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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People, we need to calm down. Of COURSE this is copyright infringement! I mean, look at how similar vBulletin and XenForo are. I mean, just look at the....uh...they both have threads.

These two products are extremely dissimilar. They are nothing alike other than they are both for online forums. vBulletin may as well sue phpBB or SMF or any of a plethora of other similar products.

In the end I hope that this does not prevent Xen from coming out. I've already made plans to buy my license and make the switch when we get the testing completed.

*is surprised that IB didn't sue MyBB*

...Seriously?! If you want similar, compare the database schemas of vB and MyBB! They haven't been sued by IB and MyBB is open source. Good luck riddance, Internet Brands. You can't copyright a style of doing things, so IB will most certainly lose.
I really do like XenForo and was looking forward to using it. However the fact is that IB have every right to take legal action if they feel their copyright has been infringed (etc.). I do hope it all works out OK and xF survives, or the claims prove to be baseless, as I'd rather use xF than stick with vB. I just want a happy ending for everyone really!

All we can do really is wait and see what happens. All things considered, I think I will wait for the outcome before buying an licence. To me, it seems a bit risky, and while I commend those who are pledging support, I have to look at this from a purely business perspective. I would also hope and expect for a prompt response from the xF team to let us know what their thoughts are.
This comes from IB Adrian
Everyone - I understand the sentiment expressed here, however I would urge everyone that wishes to participate in this discussion to please adhere to our guidelines.

Separately, there have been a number of questions with respect to understanding the legal nature of the claim, it is difficult to respond to each of them individually due to the volume of the comments, but I will try my best to explain it.
We have made a claim that xenForo infringes on our copyrighted intellectual property (amongst other claims mentioned in the announcement). We feel that the pursuit of these claims through a legal channel is necessary to enforce our copyright.

Every country protects their citizens (to a certain extent). Hence why I'm asking for the exact reference of UK/EU laws since I'm not familiar with labor law in UK/EU.

Labour law is pretty irrelevant. disregarding issues of what mikes nationality is (since we don't know), there is no extradition treaty in place that deals with civil suits (which is what a copyright claim would be). That means there is no way for IB to force XF into a US court =)

If there is an extradition treaty for civil lawsuits that i have never heard of and have been unable to find (despite searching) I would be very interested to see it (Or any legislation you know of that you think would allow infringement in the UK, by a UK company, to be tried in US courts).
People, we need to calm down. Of COURSE this is copyright infringement! I mean, look at how similar vBulletin and XenForo are. I mean, just look at the....uh...they both have threads.

These two products are extremely dissimilar. They are nothing alike other than they are both for online forums. vBulletin may as well sue phpBB or SMF or any of a plethora of other similar products.

In the end I hope that this does not prevent Xen from coming out. I've already made plans to buy my license and make the switch when we get the testing completed.
Not only do i want this to not affect stop xenForo from releasing but i want it to make IB fall. You can't just sue people in hopes of winning and if you don't say oh well i'll try again tomorrow. This will affect xenForo and they should be compensated.
Every country protects their citizens (to a certain extent). Hence why I'm asking for the exact reference of UK/EU laws since I'm not familiar with labor law in UK/EU.

It unfortunately isn't that simple. But for example.

Employers' responsibility for PAYE
As an employer you have a legal obligation to operate PAYE on the payments you make to your employees if their earnings reach the National Insurance Lower Earnings Limit (LEL). For the tax year 2010-11 this is £97 a week, £421 a month or £5,044 a year.

When you pay your employee for the first time you must check whether you need to operate PAYE and register as an employer with HMRC.

When you register as an employer in the UK you have to follow the UK laws obviously.

Unless IB didn't register with HMRC... well... then things get realy interesting :eek:
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