XF 1.5 Internal redirects are not working

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I've sometimes got this mistake:

Undefined index: thread_id

XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in EWRporta2/ControllerPublic/Thread.php at line 11
EWRporta2_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex() in RainDD/UserActivity/Controller/ThreadViewers.php at line 8
RainDD_UserActivity_Controller_ThreadViewers->actionIndex() in RainDD/UserActivity/Controller/ThreadReaders.php at line 8
RainDD_UserActivity_Controller_ThreadReaders->actionIndex() in Andy/SimilarThreads/ControllerPublic/Thread.php at line 12
Andy_SimilarThreads_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex() in ChangeThreadStarter/ControllerPublic/Thread.php at line 7
ChangeThreadStarter_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex() in HidePollResults/ControllerPublic/Thread.php at line 12
HidePollResults_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /kunden/portugalinks.de/xenforo/public_html/index.php at line 13

Now I've found that the internal redirects aren't working. Has anyone any idea what the reason could be?

Well, considering I see several add-ons involve din that stack trace, I'd suggest disabling them and then re-enabling one by one. First one I'd disable to test (and last to re-enable) would be the one by Andy (Similar Threads).
The two most likely culprits will be the one by Andy and then the RainDD UserActivity. Those would be the two I'd look at first. Odds of somone having the same issue aren't really that high as the number of people using the same add-ons as you are not that high. You can always ask the same question in the support thread for each of the add-ons involved in the stack trace (which is actually probably what you will be advised to do by staff since it is readily apparent it is add-on related).
Be aware that there could be an interaction between it and one of those other 2. Have you tried running XenPorta2 with those other 2 disabled (or totally removed if no DB tables are created that are "historical" in nature)? I've got a feeling there is an interaction between it and one of those two - and I've seen this happen several times with add-ons from a particular individual.
I've switched these two others off simultaneously - but the error is still there ... I've already tried the combinations before, so it should be Xenporta ... For now I don't like to remove the plug-ins completely, because I'm not sure that there will be no data loss ... and I can't definately not remove XenPorta because of data loss. So I've to wait, or ...?
1 - Update your XenPorta 2. Line 11 of that file does not correspond to that error, so I know you're running an out of date version.
2 - That line is getting called from a thread controller index, in which case a thread id is required to exist in the data set and all other addons should expect it to be there as well. Chances are, a previous addon (I suspect RainDD UserActivity based on the stack tree) is failing to pass the parameters...
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