Integrate Xenforo into Zapier ? (Automatically integrate your web services)

Even though XF has an API, Zapier integration does not exist in XenForo. Nor as a publicly available addon. You have two options. You can go to the above suggestion and vote for it to be implemented and maybe some day it could happen. Or you can hire a developer to create the addon for you.
Hey guys! Zapier co-founder here. Thanks for posting this! We have a developer platform ( and are happy to work with the folks at Xenforo to make something magical happen!
@Bryan Helmig
It has been 5 years since you posted this. Since then XF has gotten an REST API that Zapier could potentially talk to. See:
It would be great to see integration with your platform.
@Bryan Helmig
It has been 5 years since you posted this. Since then XF has gotten an REST API that Zapier could potentially talk to.
5 years?

Calculate Figure It Out GIF by funk
I'm not sure if I understand the implementation. It seems to me that it only works FROM XenForo TO Zapier, but not the other way around. What would be more interesting is to have it work FROM Zapier TO XenForo.
It’s like a marriage, your wife tells you what to do, and she doesn’t receive incoming messages.
As the wife half of a marriage, I found this entertaining. 😆

May I suggest making it like a good marriage, where the husband and wife actually communicate both ways, with each other? Maybe not in this release, but in a future version? I'm guessing one of the community's brilliant add-on creators can rig something up, but it would be ideal to have it as a stock feature.
Pretty sure it's similar to vBulletin's products and hooks where you have a package of some kind and it works via adding the hooks so it latches on to xenforo and works properly.
For example if you wanted to use SMF's ezboard products you would add it's hooks and product to your forum and it works like that instead of adding more add ons.
like a good marriage, where the husband and wife actually communicate both ways, with each other? Maybe not in this release, but in a future version?
are you like a newlywed ?

good marriage (derivative of "happy wife" ideology)
Happy wife seems unattainable. I've also never seen a happy wife, so I modified my plan:

Frequently less hostile wife, Reasonable Life.

Works for me !
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