XF 2.0 Integrate Shopify to current theme


Well-known member

I've setup a basic Shopify store.

How easy would it be to integrate this into my current XF theme? (via iFrame for example).

The only problem with using an iFrame is Paypal do not like them so the Paypal functionality of a store won't work whilst in the iFrame.
I tried to do so using an Opencart store and successfully got it into a page, but Paypal failed to work.
Ah so it's not integrated with XF, shame. So there is still no real shopping solution for Xenforo?
For merchandise, I was going to see about having either a mod made to allow managing Printful merchandise, or a more general mod that would allow linking to different merchandise (I use Threadless currently, but they only have an enterprise API, and none for artists).

I just haven't had time to finish writing down all of what I need done and talking it over with the developer.
Another issue to consider when integrating third party shop software is the members' database will be different to the shop customer database so members will have to log on separately to the shop and vice versa.
If it was possible to merge both tables then you create another issue if selling physical goods, and that is you will need to collect addresses to post items to.
Much simpler to run the shop software in a subdomain or separate folder and link to it.
I modified the checkout side to inform users that they will need to register or check out as a guest if they hadn't used the shop before.
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