Install on existing server also used for vB 3.8?


Active member
Looking to install and test XF while I keep my old vbulletin site running and active until I'm ready to switch over.

Can I make a new folder within my public_html directory called, say, XFtest, and install Xenforo there without disturbing the vbulletin installation that is also in public_html in a directory called "forums"? Of course I'll make a new database for the XF installation...

Should I expect any problems with this type of setup? Could I run in to problems with the php version or mysql version on the server that is needed for VB not being compatible with that used for XF?

Thanks. But I just see my first problem.
I ran the requirements script that XF offers, and it reports that my server has PHP 5.4.45 and XF needs 5.6. I'm worried if I ask my host to switch my server to PHP 5.6 that might break my vbulletin system. any thoughts?
You need to meet the minimum versions for PHP (5.6.0) and MySQL (5.5).

You will need to check with VB whether the version you are running can use PHP 5.6.
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