Initialize XenForo Redactor Editor on Custom Field

Adam K M

Active member

Can anyone help me initialize XenForo's redactor editor on a custom user field? What kind of php callback would I need to use? Secondly, would I need to do anything special to have it return the correct display information? (Like another php callback on displaying the info, and in this callback it renders BBCodes.)

The main three features I need are:
  • Visual Editting
  • XenForo BBCode support
  • Drafts... hopefully.
I really don't care what editor is being initialized, as long as it can do the above three! On a side note, I'm actually doing this on 'custom thread fields', powered by Waindigo's plugin. Fortunately the two (Custom Profile Fields & Custom Thread Fields) are implemented in the exact same manner to my knowledge, so anyone who can get an editor working on the former should be able to get it working on the latter.

A special thanks to anyone who is able to help us out! :)
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