IndexNow: URLs compatibility with Bing


Affected version
I have been using this add-on for a long time and I've never had any problems with Bing, discussions were always indexed quickly, for the past 3 weeks I have been trying IndexNow integrated into 2.3 and the problems have started...

I didn't understand initially why they weren't indexed, I thought it was a robots.txt problem with Disallow: /posts/

After removing "Disallow: /posts/" from robots.txt I realized that there is also a redirect problem and in the Bing guideline it is written that the links sent must not be redirects.


With Indexnow integrated no discussions were indexed in 3 weeks, reactivating the previous add-on they were indexed in 48 hours.

Note: since most XenForo installations, as also suggested here, use "Disallow: /posts/" in robots.txt it would be recommended to change the link used by IndexNow.
I am not using this add-on anymore as IndexNow is now integrated on XF2.3 and i didn't remove Disallow: /posts/ from my robots.txt file and I have no problem reported in Bing > IndexNow.
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i didn't remove Disallow: /posts/ from my robots.txt file and I have no problem reported in Bing > IndexNow.
But did you check here?

Before I removed the 'Disallow: /posts/' from my robots.txt I had these errors!

Then after deleting it 5xx errors started for redirects
Thank you for your feedback, I don't understand then the cause of all my mistakes... I didn't have these errors with the previous add-on.
Don’t know if it’s been mentioned, I got the error a couple times. I unchecked it, saved, then rechecked it and saved. Seems to have fixed it.
I see no value in indexing links that aren't used on the forum.
Bing indexes stuff just fine (and up to date) even without enabling the IndexNow (when it doesn't index stuff, it's not because IndexNow isn't working, but some other problem).

I would even argue that it can create more problems than help.

My article about Bing problem(s):

And the relevant forum discussion/feedback from other webmasters:
Bing indexes stuff just fine (and up to date) even without enabling the IndexNow (when it doesn't index stuff, it's not because IndexNow isn't working, but some other problem).
I completely agree with you!

However since I have been using IndexNow I have noticed that new threads are indexed more faster, the problem has started since I have been using integrated IndexNow. First with the ‘Disallowed in robots.txt’ and then with the 5xx redirect errors.

I'm surprised that I'm the only one with these problems...

I now deactivate IndexNow intergrated and reactivate the add-on to see if indexing works well again.
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