XF 2.1 Inconsistently working Emojis


Well-known member

I'm having some weirdness with emojis in posts. This post, from January, has a thumbs up emoji. But reloading the page results in it sometimes working and sometimes not:

Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 1.11.24 PM.webpScreen Shot 2020-04-13 at 1.11.18 PM.webp

This was just reloading the page over again and again. It's not just that single post, but there's another in the same page that behaves the same way.

Emojis still work when I post one. Like here:https://forums.macrumors.com/thread...-anymore.2230686/?post=28360608#post-28360608 - I haven't been able to replicate it by reloading. That one seems to be fine.

On my dev forum I've disabled all add-ons and am still seeing the ? instead of emoji. And I can post emoji there too.

Any ideas?
Looks like you may be using 'native' as your emoji source. If you temporarily switch it over JoyPixels/OneEmoji CDN and reload the page, do they appear then?
I switched to JoyPixels and saw same result. Some page loads had ? Instead of Emoji
Is it happening repeatable elsewhere? If you look at the actual table entry for that post do you actually see the unicode value embedded in the post text or is it literally a question mark?

You've ruled out that it isn't a font issue (because you switched from native to a graphic image source like JoyPixels) and if it was an issue loading the image from the remote CDN URL then at least on Windows machines you'd be seeing the 'broken image' placeholder and then the native version of the emoji (XF uses the native emoji unicode as the 'alt' text of the images so for broken emoji class images you see both the broken image placeholder and the native code). After that I'd be curious about whether it's a proverbial red herring and check if a unicode is really in the post text or not.
so when I use a command line to select that message, it does come back as a ?. But so do posts with emoji that seem to be fine.

I'm not entirely clear if my terminal, mysql cli, and all are set properly to display emoji from the command line.

It also doesn't explain why it works sometimes.

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