Include Content Title in URLs and xen:link


Well-known member
Some forums use the "Include Content Title in URLs" and some don't. I would like my add-on to create a link for either situation.


In one of my add-ons, I would like to include a link to a forum. How would I code the xen:link to take into account the option of "Include Content Title in URLs".

This template example works fine if the "Include Content Title in URLs" is NOT checked.
<xen:foreach loop="$posts" value="$post">

<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.includeTitleInUrls} == 0">
<a href="{xen:link 'forums/{$post.forum_id}'}" />{$post.forum_title}</a>

<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.includeTitleInUrls} == 1">
<a href="{xen:link 'forums/{$post.forum_id}'}" />{$post.forum_title}</a>


How would I change this code so that if will include the "Title in URLs".
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.includeTitleInUrls} == 1">
<a href="{xen:link 'forums/{$post.forum_id}'}" />{$post.forum_title}</a>

Can this be done at the template level? Or do I need to pass in a variable with the TitleURL, if so what is the PHP code?

Thank you.
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Looks like I can create a variable called $linkTitle and pass that into my template.

// includeTitleInUrls option
$forumLink = XenForo_Link::buildIntegerAndTitleUrlComponent($node['node_id'], $node['title'], true);

Edit: This is not that easy because I'm dealing with a multi-dimensional array and I would need to add $forumLink to my variable.
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xen:link handles a lot of what you do manually. Look around the templates for how xen:link is used (ie, the latest posts on the forum home)
Okay I got it.

// foreach count
$i = -1;

// get child node titles
foreach ($posts as $k => $v)
    // foreach count
    $i = $i + 1;
    // includeTitleInUrls option
    $forum_link = XenForo_Link::buildIntegerAndTitleUrlComponent($v['forum_id'], $v['forum_title'], true);
    // merge arrays
    $posts[$i] = array_merge($posts[$i], array('forum_link' => $forum_link));

and the template code:

<xen:foreach loop="$posts" value="$post">

<a href="{xen:link 'forums/{$post.forum_link}'}" />{$post.forum_title}</a>

You've ignored everything I've said. xen:link already does all of the work for you if you were to follow naming conventions.

Take a look at how xen:link is used in the templates. Than take a look at XenForo_Link::_buildLink, than take a look at XenForo_Route_Prefix_Forums::buildLink().
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