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Inactive User Mail Notifier 1.2

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  • Thread starter Thread starter ragtek
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see point 1 of previous post
That doesn't matter. The letter must contain a footer that explains why they are getting the email, and how to remove themselves from future mailings. I realized this after we activated the add-on. Forums with lots of members can find themselves in trouble with hosts or registrars if anyone complains. That someone might have accepted this option a year ago isn't an excuse not to explain why they are getting a message they didn't expect; they might not even remember ever accepting the option to receive admin email. Even messages sent to those who subscribe to threads contain these instructions in every mailing.

One more thing: If you don't have a way to remove a user group, it would mean that members who are banned from the forums (even if only temporary) are getting an invitation to return and post again, which isn't what we want of course.
Let me add this: I want this add-on to work. I asked you to consider such a product a while back. But it needs a little more spit and polish to be ready.
Hi - I've installed this add-on - but where do I go to edit the email which will be sent out to inactive members ?
Hi - I've installed this add-on - but where do I go to edit the email which will be sent out to inactive members ?

(once they implement into xenforo, all the phrase editing will be much easier, but ATM it's not possible to provide an direct link to edit the phrase.

I've done this with help of my add-on helper framework, but people didn't like this...:( )
S0 now that it's set, it'll automatically send out email reminders to the members? I don't need to do anything further

Email template is well written, no need to edit it :D


So it'll send out html to members who have opted to receive html version?
if you've set the days (
ACP => Options => User Registration ) and your cronjobs work without problems, it should work without problems:)

(At least i got ~ 12 mails in the last 2 days because users installed this add-on on there boards, where i have an account because i helped them with add-on installation or xf configuration or trouble shooting:D )
I understand completely.. I hope it can get worked out in time..

My main need is producing a list of those under 1 post that haven't registered in X days.
Just need some phrasing help^^

How would you call this option?:D

Maximum posts users should have, to be mailed?:D
How do I stop emails being sent to banned members?
will be automatic included in the new version because it doesn't make sense to make a option for this... banned users don#t need the reminder^^(hope that i can release it today)
will be automatic included in the new version because it doesn't make sense to make a option for this... banned users don#t need the reminder^^(hope that i can release it today)
I am not asking for an option, I just want to disable emails being sent to banned members permanently.

Yes, please do release it today asap, thanks.

What about members who haven't confirmed their accounts after registering? That should be an option, to include or not include them.
I am not asking for an option, I just want to disable emails being sent to banned members permanently.

Yes, please do release it today asap, thanks.

What about members who haven't confirmed their accounts after registering? That should be an option, to include or not include them.
somebody else wanted several new options, that's why i wrote this;) ^^
ragtek updated Inactive User Mail Notifier with a new update entry:

Inactive User Reminder Mail


  • Banned members won't be notified anymore.
  • A new option was created, where you can set how many posts the users should have maximal, to be notified.
    View attachment 27587
  • I've created a new method, which will be run AFTER the user notification and get the users as parameter.
    With this you're able to include own add-ons which can do something with the users... (e.g. move to other usergroup,...)
    Feel free to contact me for custom stuff:)

Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks for the updates.

One key issue remaining: There's still that opt-out/removal notice that may be required by U.S. Can-Spam laws. Even though the member has given consent to receive admin emails, that selection is usually made during sign-up, without the member being aware of the consequences. They still have to see removal instructions in the body of emails sent from admins.

As to moving to a new user group, do I take it you are setting up the ingredients for a bounce handling capability along the line?
Thanks for the updates.

One key issue remaining: There's still that opt-out/removal notice that may be required by U.S. Can-Spam laws. Even though the member has given consent to receive admin emails, that selection is usually made during sign-up, without the member being aware of the consequences. They still have to see removal instructions in the body of emails sent from admins.
just add the link to the ragtek_lac_text & ragtek_lac_text_html phrase:p
As to moving to a new user group, do I take it you are setting up the ingredients for a bounce handling capability along the line?

I'm having too many ideas for this add-on .. let's see if i find time to implement them all
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