Duplicate In vBulletinBlogEntry.php line 53: Must log an IP using setLoggedIp() before saving XenForo Importers 1.3.0


New member
Affected version
XenForo Importers 1.3.0
I am trying to import all my vbulletin forum but in the half of the importation i am receiving this error message:
Do you have any idea what is happening ?? can be a problem with the ip or with the max execution time on the server?

I'm using XenForo Importers 1.3.0, vBulletin 4.x with vBulletin Blog ,My importation is from vB 4.2.2 to xenforo 2.1.6 I'm also tried make it using CLI but the error that appear is the same see screenshot attached.

Waiting for your help
Kind Regards


  • importation failed.webp
    importation failed.webp
    61.1 KB · Views: 2
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