Improve $xf_path array to auto-discover XF location


Well-known member
I'm trying to write some code that auto-discovers the location of XF from an external page. This code works on my server but the number of locations for installing could be far greater. How could I improve this array to get a greater probability to get the correct path location?

       $xf_paths = array(
          'community' ,
           'forum' );
       foreach ( $xf_paths as $xf_path ) {
           $startTime = microtime(true);
            if( $this->fileDir = ABSPATH . $xf_path ) {
                if( !class_exists("XenForo_Autoloader" ) ) {
                    require($this->fileDir . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php');
                    XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($this->fileDir . '/library');
                    XenForo_Application::initialize($this->fileDir . '/library', $this->fileDir);
                    echo XenForo_Application::getInstance()->getRootDir();

Again - this works on my server because the XF is installed It should get someone who installed it in /forums or /forum ...

What other possibilities are there?

Maybe you have a better suggestion instead of the array ...

Thank you in advance.

Update: I realize that this code leaves things hanging if the $xf_paths is not correct and needs to be updated to return a message for the user to input the location. I'm still working on improving that too.
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