Fixed Improve margin around [LIST] bb code


Well-known member
Affected version
Consider this BB code:

[*]List item


It results in this post:


Could XenForo use the same margin above the list as below the list?
I second this. We have the same on our forum and it's quite annoying and a regression from vBulletin. It would be really nice if it were fixed :)
This is a regression from XF 1.5 and 2.0 too. Not certain it will be what you're expecting, but the key regression is that in XF1 we would trim a total of 1 line breaks from the end of the LIST tag. In XF2.1 we started trimming 2 for some reason. It seems to be deliberate but I think I agree it should be consistent. This may well resurface some edge case that required the change...

But rather than this:


We actually intend for it to look like this:


The <ul> tag itself comes with its own margin so to tighten it up we'd recommend not inserting your own line breaks before or after the opening or closing list tag.
Or maybe you could trim two line breaks above the list, too?

I think that would allow for more readable BB code (with an empty line before [LIST] and after [/LIST]). :)
Thank you for reporting this issue. It has now been resolved and we are aiming to include it in a future XF release (2.1.2).

Change log:
Make the line trimming around BB code list tags more consistent.
Any changes made as a result of this issue being resolved may not be rolled out here until later.
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