XF 1.1 Import users from xenforo to amember


Active member
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, i wasn't sure where to post. Please move if you need to.

I currently use xenforo and xenporta but i'm changing to word press + xenforo + amember ( for handling membership + subscriptions)

I have 1000 members that i want to import over to amember and was wondering if anyone has done this before and if they had any issues.

I read somewhere that you can import users but they would have to reset their passwords. The place where i read this was from a few months back so im hopeing now there is a way where they can keep username and passwords without having to change.

We haven't actually made the changeover yet but i was hoping for any advice / pointers on any potential problems we may come across when doing the import.

Hi Jake,

amember have just sent this reply to my email -

amember use different password format(the same as in Wordpress). So this can't be done by default. However this can be done as customization. Two mods will be required: 1. Import script should be modified in order to allow import passwords as is. 2. Login script should be modified in order to allow authentication by Xenforo encrypted password. So when user try to login, aMember will encrypt password the same way as xenforo does this, and compare it with password stored in database.

Would these two mods require a lot of work?
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